While St. Thomas the Apostle is curating these resources for you, we are not endorsing one resource over another. We have done initial research into the resources but encourage individuals and families to look at the information and make their own determination which, if any, to utilize.

St. Thomas the Apostle does not maintain the content of these external sites and cannot control any advertisements or messages contained therein.
This is not meant to be an exclusive or exhaustive list of resources.
If you have a question on a particular resource, either on this list or that you identify on your own, please contact the Parish Office.
Church Statements

Archdiocese of Chicago
- Cardinal Cupich on the sin of racism
- Statement of Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, archbishop of Chicago, on the murder of George Floyd and its aftermath
US Bishops
- Brothers and Sisters to Us: A Pastoral Letter on Racism from the USCCB
- Open Wide Our Hearts: A Pastoral Letter Against Racism from the USCCB (en Español)
- Study Guide for Open Wide our Hearts
- Statement of US Bishop Chairman in Wake of Death of George Floyd and National Protests
- Statement of US BIshops’ President on George Floyd and the Protests in American Cities
National Catholic Organizations
- NCPD Statement on Racism – en Español or Video
- NFCYM Stands Against Racism from the NFCYM Board of Directors
- Statement from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS)
- US Unrest: Pope Condemns ‘Sin of Racism’ from Catholic News Service
Articles and Information

- 3 Ways to Work for Racial Justice as a Family from US Catholic
- Anti-Racism Work is a Lifelong Commitment from US Catholic
- Baltimore group pushes to expedite sainthood for six Black Catholic heroes from the Washington Post
- Black Catholic History Timeline from the National Black Catholic Congress
- Black Saints Matter from US Catholic
- Catholic Social Teaching and Racism from Loyola University – New Orleans
- Celebrating Catholic Saints and Holy People of Color from Sadlier (en Español)
- Empowering Young People in the Aftermath of Hate: A Guide for Educators and Families from the Anti-Defamation League (en Español)
- Hate and Human Dignity from Busted Halo
- Holy Black Catholics Pamphlet from Our Sunday Visitor (en Español)
- How to Talk to Kids about Race and Racism from Today
- How to Talk to Your Kids about Racism from Nationwide Children’s
- In the Image and Likeness of God from NCEA (en Español)
- Noteworthy Black Catholics from the National Black Catholic Congress
- Racism: Confronting the Poison in our Common Home from the USCCB Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development
- Responding to the Sin of Racism from the USCCB
- Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Resource Guide from the Southern Poverty Law Center
- The Civil Rights Movement Inspires Activism Today from US Catholic
- The History of Black Catholics in America from Smithsonian Magazine
- The Racism Study Pack from The Thoughtful Christian
- What is Systemic Racism? from the USCCB
- White Privilege from The Thoughtful Christian (Leader Guide)

- A White Catholic’s Guide to Racism and Privilege from Ave Maria Press
- Beyond the Golden Rule: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Responding to Prejudice from Teaching Tolerance
- Brown Girl Magic from The Pastoral Center
- Everyone Belongs from Loyola Press
- Fight Right: A Christian Approach to Conflict Resolution from The Pastoral Center
- Great Black Catholics: Saints Like Me from Catholic Sprouts
- Home is Where My Heart Lives from the Pastoral Center
- Teaching Kids to Respect Each Other from Twenty-Third Publications
- What if the Zebras Lost their Stripes from Paulist Press
- Who is My Neighbor? from The Thoughtful Christian
Lessons and Activities

- At the Table from Life Teen
- Countering Hate Speech Online from Common Sense Education
- Diversity Welcome from Training for Change
- Four Courageous Conversations: Conversations about Racism and Violence in America from Mustard Seed Consultants, made available by NFCYM
- Living Justice from St. Mary’s Press
- Origins: A Simple Word Game from Teaching Tolerance
- Practical Steps for Eradicating Racism: An Invitation from the USCCB
- Responding to Online Hate Speech from Common Sense Education
- Responding to Racism Youth Study from The Thoughtful Christian (Leader Guide)
- Saints of Color: Downloadable Coloring Book from the Salesian Shop
- Saints of Color Mosaic Activities Kit from Sadlier (en Español)
- The Power of Words from Common Sense Education
- Tape on the Forehead from Training for Change (en Español)
- Trapdoors from Training for Change
Multimedia Resources

- Beyond Black: Multicultural Voices with Armando Cervantes from The Leadership Institute, Diocese of Bridgeport
- Coming Together: Talking with Kids and Teens about Racism from the Association of Catholic Publishers
- Coming Together: Two Reflections – “Ghosts of Hate” and “The Reforming Power of the Gospel” from the Association of Catholic Publishers
- Creating a Safe Space for Dialogue about Racism from the Catholic Apostolate Center and the Saint Luke Institute.
- Eric Styles on Black Bodies, Kneeling and the Liturgy from Church Life Today
- Facing Race: Stories and Voices from Race Forward
- Gloria Purvis on Sin, Conversion and Racial Justice from Church Life Today
- How to Have Difficult Conversations with Darius Villalobos from The Leadership Institute, Diocese of Bridgeport
- Implicit Bias: Tools for Self-Development from the Catholic Apostolate Center and the Saint Luke Institute
- Open Wide Our Hearts with Danielle Brown from The Leadership Institute, Diocese of Bridgeport
- Out Legs Uttered Songs from NPM
- Racial Justice: Solidarity and the Church’s Call to Action from the McGrath Institute for Church Life
- Racism: The Perduring Assault against Human Life and Dignity from the McGrath Institute for Church Life
- Racism in our Streets and Structures from the Georgetown Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life
- Racism Yesterday and Today with Gloria Purvis from The Leadership Institute, Diocese of Bridgeport
- Six African American Saints in Waiting from the McGrath Institute for Church Life
- Teaching Kids to Respect Others: Racism from Pflaum Publishing (Powerpoint and Resources)
- The Catholic Response to the Sin of Racism, with Gloria Purvis from Church Life Today
- The Dignity of Black Lives: A Catholic Response to the Sin of Racism from the Catholic Apostolate Center
- The Embodied Holiness of Sr. Thea Bowman, with Kayla August from Church Life Today
- The Other from Fr. Prentice, TIpton, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Plymouth, MI
- The Responsibility of Catholic Schools and Churches to talk about Racism from NCEA
- The Welcome Table: Who’s Welcome and Whose Table? from NPM
- Theological Reflection on Racism from the Catholic Apostolate Center and the Saint Luke Institute.
- NFCYM Webinars on Racism. They include a 4-part series on breaking open “Open Wide Our Hearts: A Pastoral Letter Against Racism” from the USCCB and exploring how to apply it in a ministry context, a 3-part series on “How to talk About Racism,: and a session on “Protagonists of Change: Youth, Racism, and the Role of Faith.”
- Videos: Anti-Racist Words of the Week from the Klau Center for Civil and Human Rights
- Webinar Series from the Catholic Apostolate Center and the National Black Catholic Congress
- What is Systemic Racism? from Race Forward
- Why Black Education is a LIfe Issue: Racial Justice and the Church’s Call to Action from the McGrath Institute for Church Life
Prayers and Prayer Services

- Engaging in a Racial Examination of Conscience from We are Salt and Light
- Prayer for Peace in Our Communities from Catholic Charities, USA
- Prayer for Racial Healing for our Land from the USCCB (en Español)
- Prayer to Address the Sin of Racism from the USCCB
- Prayers for Racial Justice and Reconciliation from JesuitResource.org
- Prayers of the Faithful against Racism from the USCCB
- Scripture Reflection: Unity in the Body of Christ from the USCCB
- Stations of the Cross: Overcoming Racism Video from the California Catholic Conference
Websites with Multiple Resources

- Anti-Racism Resources for Catechesis and Catholic Faith Formation from Sadlier
- Books about Racism and Social Justice from Common Sense Media
- Building an Anti-Racist Vocabulary from the Klau Center for Civil and Human Rights
- Combatting Racism from the USCCB
- Conversations about Race from the Leadership Institute at the Diocese of Bridgeport
- Diversity/Multi-Cultural/Anti-Racism Resources from the Catholic Volunteer Network
- Educational Resources from the USCCB. Includes materials for K-8, High School, College and Adults. K-8 materials are available in Spanish.
- Embrace Race
- Faith In Action: Racial Justice from the Ignatian Solidarity Network
- Great Endeavors Mined and Shared (GEMS) #115 from Sr. Janet Schaeffler
- Lessons in Race Relations from the Global Sisters Report
- NFCYM has compiled a variety of resources. There is a series of recorded webinars on the US Bishop’s Pastoral Letter and links to additional resources are below the recordings.
- Race Forward
- Racial Equity Tools
- Racial Justice books/resources available from The Pastoral Center
- Racism Resources from Facing History and Ourselves
- Resources for Responding to Racism from St. Mary’s Press
- Responding to Racism from Springtide Research
- Talking about Race from the National Museum of African American History and Culture