Serving Hyde Park’s Catholic Community since 1869

5472 South Kimbark Avenue,
Hyde Park, Chicago IL, 60615-5297
Phone: (773) 324-2626 Fax: (773) 891-0602

Holy Communion

 “I am the living bread which came down from heaven;
if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever” (John 6: 51.) 

The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith as Catholics. We celebrate the Eucharist with great reverence and care at St. Thomas.

  • If you or a loved one are homebound or in a Nursing Home and wish to receive Holy Communion, please contact the parish secretary (Lisa) at 773-324-2626. She will arrange for one of our dedicated and experienced Ministers of Care to visit you.
  • If you are in a hospital, please arrange for communion through the local hospital chaplaincy.
  • For information regarding receiving First Holy Communion (children, teens, or adults), please contact:  Maryellen Harrington at or (773) 324-2626

A reminder of the correct way to distribute and receive Holy Communion:

We know there may be some other customs in other countries and places, but we refer everyone to the norms of the Archdiocese of Chicago. We approach the sacrament with great reverence and care, having fasted from food and having prepared by prayer and an act of faith. When the minister says, “the Body of Christ” or “the Blood of Christ” you answer clearly, “Amen”.

These are the choices you have when you receive Holy Communion. There are two options, two ways, and you may choose which method you prefer.

  • After praying the “Amen” you may open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue, and the minister will place the Body of the Lord on your tongue.
  • The other option is to make a throne with your hands, so that the minister may put the sacred host in your hand.

Immediately take the Body of the Lord into your hand and place it in your mouth and consume it. Then you may walk away. After praying your “Amen” you may take the chalice firmly in your hand, and take a small sip, returning the chalice carefully to the minister.

There are some things you may not do, and we politely remind you of these.

  • You may not ‘grab’ the host with two fingers or take it from the hands of the minister, this is not our custom. It is more reverent to ‘receive’ communion, by making the throne in your hands, and then reverently taking the host and putting it immediately in your mouth.
  • You may not walk away with the host. Please consume it immediately in the sight of the minister before you turn away.
  • You may not take the host to the chalice for ‘intinction’ or dipping yourself.

These simple rules are in place to assist those who minister the Holy Eucharist and those who receive to show suitable reverence and respect for this awesome sacrament. Please approach the sacrament in prayer, for we are approaching none other than the ‘throne of grace’ and the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, our merciful and loving God