“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
—John 8:32
“The church has always venerated the divine scriptures as it has venerated the Body of the Lord” (Dei verbum [DV], 21) and because of this, the church teaches that sacred scripture should be “widely available to the Christian faithful” (DV 22). Dei verbum strongly encourages the faithful to read and pray with the scriptures frequently (see DV no. 25) as a way to grow in faith and deepen their communion with the risen Christ.
All are welcome to participate in the parish’s Bible study groups, which are offered several times a year.
Who we are: We are parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle who meet together to study and pray with God’s word; we seek to be fervent disciples by learning about and living the Word of God.
What we do: Join us if you want
- to gain a fuller understanding of God’s word,
- to receive a richer appreciation of our faith tradition,
- to grow in your relationship with Christ,
- to make sense of the Bible and see how it relates to your everyday life,
- to discover the remarkable connections between the Old and New Testaments,
- to experience a fuller sense of Christian Community.
Contact: For more information contact Timothy Johnston at (773) 324-2626 or tjohnston@stapostleparish.org
Upcoming Studies
The Kingdom of God: The Essential Message of Jesus
The kingdom of God is the central theme of Jesus’ preaching. Through stories and images, Jesus teaches that God’s presence among us-his powerful reign-is both mighty and quiet, both welcoming and demanding. As small as a seed and as grand as a great dinner party, the kingdom of God grows among us and transforms everyone who embraces it. In this volume of Alive in the Word, New Testament scholar Frank Matera explores three gospel passages that will orient you to this essential, transforming message of Jesus.
Tuesdays December 19
Group One: 11:00 a.m. | Parish Hall
Group Two: 7:00 p.m. | Parish Hall
Suggested Donation $15.00
This donation helps cover the costs of materials.
St. Thomas the Apostle Advent Bible Study (google.com)Register Here
The Eucharist in Scripture
The Eucharist in Scripture explores the biblical theme of meals shared in faithful fellowship and in covenant relationship with God. Old Testament meals and promises provide a foundation for gospel meals with Jesus, culminating in the Last Supper as it is understood throughout the New Testament. Jesus’ bread of life discourse and the early church’s practice of “breaking bread” are also explored.
Tuesdays January 9, 16, 23, 30, and February 6
Group One: 11:00 a.m. | Parish Hall
Group Two: 7:00 p.m. | Parish Hall
Suggested Donation $25.00
This donation helps cover the costs of materials.
St. Thomas the Apostle Bible Study on Eucharist in Scripture (google.com)