How can I register as a parishioner?
Thank you for choosing St. Thomas as your parish home. Click here to download a parishioner registration form. Please fill out and send it back to the parish office or hand it to an usher before or after Mass.
What are the Mass times? And Confession?
Daily Mass, Monday and Wednesday through Saturday at 8 a.m.
Daily Mass, Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. (with STA School students)
Saturday Evening Vigil Mass 4 p.m.
Sunday Masses 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation – Saturday 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Sunday 9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m.
I want my baby to be Baptized. What should I do?
Baptisms are usually held after the 10:00 AM Mass on Sundays. Seminar for parents and godparents is offered on the second Sunday of the month at 12:30 p.m. Parents have to be registered parishioners. Please read this page, fill in a Baptism request form and send it back to the parish office.
I want to become a Catholic. What should I do?
Contact Rosina Hendrickson, Coordinator of Family Faith Formation, at to schedule a conversation regarding your interest.
I’ve been a Catholic all my life, but I’ve never been confirmed. Can I receive this sacrament?
Yes, the sacrament of Confirmation is able to be celebrated for adults who have not yet received it. Contact Rosina Hendrickson, Coordinator of Family Faith Formation, at to begin the conversation.
Can I make a donation online?
Yes. St. Thomas the Apostle Parish now accepts online donations through GiveCentral. You can use this website to make paperless donations to our church. You can give by using your credit card, debit card and electronic checking payments making either one-time or recurring donations. We understand that most transactions today are done electronically. We want to provide you with that same convenient option at church. Thank you for your generosity & support. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!
- How do I sign-up to give electronically through Give Central? The easiest way is to go to Just click on “Contact Us” and select “Make a gift with Give Central.”
- Is personal and payment information secure on Give Central? is a secure centralized payment system protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) software and meets industry standards for Payment Card Industry.
- What form of electronic payment does Give Central accept? Electronic checks (ACH) from Checking & Savings Accounts. Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express.
- Is there a fee for Give Central transactions? As with any electronic transaction, there is a small fee assessed to St. Thomas for each transaction processed through Give Central. Because Give Central was set up by the Archdiocese, the fees are less than other services. We believe that the convenience of regular electronic giving more than offsets the cost of these fees. Electronic Checking (ACH) from a checking or savings bank account incurs the smallest fees.
Or you can donate with Venmo.
If I have a scheduling conflict with your schedule, where else may I attend Mass?
If you are unable to celebrate Mass with us, Calvert House at the University of Chicago offers Masses on Sunday evenings.
During the academic year (late Sept. to June), Sunday Mass is celebrated at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.; daily Mass is celebrated Monday through Friday at 12:30 p.m.
Outside of the academic year, Sunday Mass is celebrated at 5 p.m. (July to mid-Sept) and daily Mass is celebrated at 12:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
Calvert House
5735 South University Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637