Serving Hyde Park’s Catholic Community since 1869

5472 South Kimbark Avenue,
Hyde Park, Chicago IL, 60615-5297
Phone: (773) 324-2626 Fax: (773) 891-0602

Sacramental Preparation Program

Children preparing to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist must be baptized and register for our Sacramental Program. The first day of class begins Saturday, September 18, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

The driving force of our parish Sacramental Preparation Program is the belief that our faith is a gift to be celebrated, nurtured, and lived. We are taught early in life that God, above all things, is love, and His love is perfect and unconditional. We believe learning about God is sharing His love and treating our faith as the sacred gift it is.

Preparing for these two sacraments, we help our children to appreciate God’s love for them shown in these sacraments. We will study liturgy and prayer. In preparation for these sacraments, children will build a relationship with God and learn the laws of God, Bible stories, Creation, redemption, and salvation history, emphasizing God’s mercy and love.

We provide a safe environment and a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Our interactive lessons strive to balance what our children like to know and do and what they need to know.

For more information, contact parish office, (773) 324-2626 or