St. Vincent de Paul Society returns with a GIFT CARD Christmas Stars Project!
Because of COVID, we are adopting a different model for the “Christmas Stars” project for this year. We ask that parishioners purchase $25 gift cards from name brand retailers (VISA, Jewel-Osco, Trader Joe’s, Target, Walmart) and donate them to StVdP. The gift cards will give the heads of households the flexibility to use them where their greatest family need is. Our StVdP group will match up the collected gift cards with individuals/families in the parish community and STA school families in need within our community. We hope to also be able to include families from our sister parish — Visitation parish — as well as an Englewood shelter for women and children. We will be collecting the gift cards after Masses on November 7th and December 5th. Look for us at the parking lot of the Church after these Mass celebrations. We hope that our STA community will rally to generously help our neighbors by being part of the StVdP Christmas Gift Card Program!
We thank all parishioners who have continued to donate to the poor boxes in church—you sustain us. If you are looking for an organization that does grass roots work helping others, come and talk to us when we are collecting the gift cards—we ARE always looking for new members!